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Lecture 3, Mon 10/07
Homeworks distributed
- We distributed H04, H05, H06, H07 today
- See the calendar for due dates
Lab01 Update 10/07/2019
On starting to grade lab01, I realize that one element in the instructinos was not entirely clear, and it turns out to be pretty important to allowing us to grade your work within a reasonable timeframe.
I need each of you to do the following steps:
- Go back into your file and edit it so that it has the following information:
- For both pair partners, add your name and your github id near the top of the file.
- Add a link to the repo itself, e.g.
- Add a link to your published javadoc: e.g.
- Make sure the links work when you browse the README on
- Then, resubmit on Gradescope.
The reason is that we use these links to determine whether or not you published your Javadoc, which is worth 20 points in the grading rubric. When we go through Gradescope, unless this information is in your, there is no way for us to easily find your repo.
I will extend the deadline to 11:59pm Thursday 10/10/2019 so that I can remind you of this in lecture on Monday, Wednesday, and in lab on Thursday.
I will also ask you to do this in every future lab, including lab03 (I’m adding that to the instructions now.)
Any Questions on Lab02?
This lab was mostly to make sure that the process of getting an app running on localhost and on Heroku is working.
We’ll return to webapps soon with some more interesting assignments. In the meantime, if you just can wait to get started and want to read up on your own, here are some topics to look up:
- Spring Boot
- Thymeleaf
We are building out information about these on the course website, under topics.
Looking at Lab03
Let’s look at the code, and the concept of code coverage.
Looking at Lab04
I’ll go over some of the code from lab04.
Looking ahead to Lab05
For lab05, we need to talk about sorting, interfaces, and lambda functions. That means some reading in the book first.