Agile—A Software Development Methodology
Agile: Standups—A timeboxed standing meeting to help team make progress
Agile: Team Norms—Groundrules set by a team that promote effective and harmonious teamwork and productivty
Agile: User Stories—As a (who?) I can (what?) so that (why?)
Ant—Apache Ant, a build tool for Java (similar to Make/Makefiles)
Ant: Comparing files—Doing something like a unix 'diff -q' via Ant
Ant: Properties—The variable like things in Ant files (but they aren't really variables)
antipatterns—Things to avoid in your code
Antipatterns: inheritance—When NOT to use inheritance
Applications Programming—A compendium of knowledge and skills applications programmers (software developers) need
Bug Reports—The typical format: STR, observed, desired
CI: —Continuous Integration--automatically testing after every commit
Code Smells—Common problems that arise in code
Code Style—formatting, indenting, names, and much more
Code Style: astyle—automatic code indenting tool available on CSIL
Corgis—A collection of real-world datasets for programming exercises
Course Policies—Explanations of why certain instructors do things they way they do them.
Course Policies: Answer Keys—Why do you not provide answer keys for all your old exams?
CSIL—Computer Science Instructional Lab machines
CSIL: browser from command line—How to open a browser from the command line
CSIL: disk quota and file quota issues—How to diagnose and fix
CSIL: git configuration—Configuring your CSIL account to use git
CSIL: Mount CSIL drive Via MacOS—Remotely Mount your CSIL drive to your MacOS system via cifs/smb using SAMBA
CSIL: Remote Host Id Changed—The scary REMOTE HOST ID CHANGED message with mention of SOMETHING NASTY
CSIL: ssh port forwarding—How to access webapps running on CSIL from your local machine
CSIL: via ssh from Linux—Connecting via ssh from the command line
CSIL: Via MacOS—Accessing CSIL from your MacOS system
CSIL: via ssh from Windows—Connecting via PuTTY/XMing or MobaXterm
CSV files—Comma Separated Value files, and processing them in Java
Data—Various sources for datasets to build applications with
Databases—SQL, Postgres, H2, etc
Design Patterns—Various sources for datasets to build applications with
Design Patterns: Strategy—Define multiple algorithms and let client application pass the algorithm to be used as a parameter.
Eclipse—One of several choices for a Java IDE
Enviroment Variables—Reading them from Java code
Firebase—An interesting development platform
Game Programming—How to make Java work for Games
Gauchospace: Clickable URLs—In assignment submissions, urls should be clickable
git and github—version control, source code configuration and project collaboration tools
git: basic workflow—The basics: git add..., git commit..., git push ...
git: cloning your first repo—A guide for those new to git
git: commit messages—How to write clear and helpful commit messages
git: feature branch workflow—One branch per feature/issue/story
git: git/github troubleshooting—Various problems and their solution
git: .gitignore files—What they are for and what to put in them
git: merge conflicts—Not nearly as scary as you may have been told
git: overview—An introduction. git vs. vs., repos, etc.
git: throwaway untracked files—how to clean up untracked files easily
github: adding collaborators—giving individual users access to a private repo
github: api—Java Api for Github
- creating private repos under an organization—for closed source class assignments
github: issues—working with issues in github
github: keyboard shortcuts—making the github web UI easier to use
github: pro tips—A few extras to help you work with GitHub more effectively
github: using ssh keys—generating public/private key pair, uploading public key to github
- creating private repos under an organization—for closed source class assignments
github: verified badge on commits—adding extra security to your commit messages
Gradescope—System for homework grading, feedback and submission
Gradescope: Organization Access—How to enable access to organization repos
Gradescope: Pair/Group Submission—Submitting on Gradescope as a pair or group
Gradescope: Regrade Requests—What to do if you have questions about the grading of a problem (e.g. you think there was a grading error)
Gradescope: Student Self-Submission—Scanning your assignment to PDF
gradle—A build system (alternative to Ant or Maven) based on the groovy scripting language
Heroku—A cloud computing platform
Heroku: Troubleshooting—Solutions to common problems and errors
IDEs for Java—Integrated Development Environments for Java (IntelliJ, Eclipse, Netbeans, etc.)
Java—The language we are studying in CS56
Java: Annotations—All about those funny @ things that precede methods
Java: ArrayList to array—e.g. ArrayList<Integer> to int []
Java: Codacy—A static analysis tool for Java
Java: Command Line Arguments—how to the access contents of (String [] args)
Java: == vs. .equals(), and hashCode()—the difference, and how to override .equals and .hashCode()
Java: Garbage Collection—How and when does memory allocated on heap get reused?
Java: Garbage Collection: Under the Hood—Can we peek under the hood at how garbage collection is done
Java: HttpURLConnection—And HttpsURLConnection; a Java object for retrieving content from a URL
Java: Installing—Installing Java 11
Java: JAR files—Creating and using .jar files
Java: JVM—The Java Virtual Machine
Java: Lambda Expressions—Shorter, cleaner code using anonymous functions
Java: Overriding vs. Overloading—The difference between these
Java: Plaform Independent Newlines—\n isn't as portable as you might like
Java: Sorting—Comparable, Comparators, and sorting ArrayLists and such
Java: static analysis—Tools that analyze source code without running it
Java: Streams in Java 8 —A whole new style of programming
Java: Unchecked Operations—That message that says uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
Java: Web Applications—Overview of various frameworks (Servlets, Spring, Apache Spark-Java)
Javadoc—Documentation generator for java
Javadoc: Legacy Code Projects—step-by-step instructions for javadoc for UCSB-CS56-Projects
javadoc: publishing to github pages from a private repo (the old way)—step-by-step instructions
javadoc: publishing to github pages from a private repo—step-by-step instructions
javadoc: publishing to github pages from a public repo—step-by-step instructions
javafx—replacement for swing, platform for Java GUI development
javafx: XQuartz on Mac—when JavaFX doesn't work over X11 forwarding on Mac, how to fix it
JDBC—Java Database Connectivity--a way to use SQL-based databases with Java
Jekyll—Creating web sites (like this one) on github-pages using Markdown
JSON: —JavaScript Object Notation
JSON: Jackson—A Java Package for processing JSON
JUnit—Unit testing framework for Java
JUnit: Hamcrest Matcher style—A different style of writing assertions for Unit testing
JUnit: Mocking System.out—How do you write a JUnit test for a method that uses System.out?
Kanban: —visualization of work in progress
Log4J: —A logging framework for java
Log4J: SparkJava—Using Log4J with SparkJava
Log4J: Spring Boot—Using Log4J with Spring Boot
Lombok: —Automatic generation of getters/setters, etc.
MacOS—Setting up an environment to do CS56 work on your own Mac (not ssh'ing into CSIL)
MacOS: Homebrew—Package installer for Mac OS
Markdown—A simplified syntax to create formatted documents
Maven: Hello World—A relatively simple Hello World app with Maven
Maven—A build tool for Java plus a package manager
Maven: Adding custom jar dependency—Including a jar file that isn't available as a standard Maven dependency
Maven: Convert Ant to Maven—replacing ant build.xml with maven pom.xml
Maven: FAQ—Frequently Asked Questions
Maven: Installing—on Windows, Mac, Linux
Maven: Javadoc—Generating javadoc when using Maven
Maven: Managing Versions—How do you get the right version for dependencies, plugins, etc.
Maven: Pom.xml Order—In what order should the elements of a pom.xml appear
Maven: Profiles—Making your pom.xml do different things on localhost vs heroku, for example
Maven: Testing—Doing JUnit testing and other testing using mvn test, mvn verify, etc.
Maven: Wrapper—The mvnw file that you see in some repos: what is it, and why do you need it
Maven: Xlint options—For example, what to do when you get `Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details`
MongoDB—A particular NoSQL database platform
MongoDB: Mlab—A cloud provider of MongoDB databases with a free tier
MongoDB: Spring Properties—How to set properties for connecting to MongoDB when using Spring
OAuth: —The way we implement the 'login with Google, Facebook, or Github' thing you see on some websites
OAuth: Authorizing GitHub Third Party Apps—Gradescope, and GitHub OAuth Apps you build yourself
OAuth: GitHub Setup—Setting up a GitHub OAuth App to obtain client id and client secret
OAuth: Google Setup—Setting up a Google OAuth App to obtain client id and client secret
OOP—Object Oriented Programming
Port Numbers—Those numbers such as 8080, 12345 that show up when doing networking things
Postgres—An implementation of an SQL relational database, available on Heroku
React—A front-end framework for webapps and native apps
REST—RESTful APIs, etc (Representational State Transfer)
Scrum—A Software Development Methodology
Selenium—Remote Control of a Browser (e.g. for end-to-end testing of webapps, web scraping)
Selenium: Driver Setup—Setting up your driver
Semantic Versioning—A set of rules for assigning meaningful version numbers
Slack—A chat-based communication tool for teams
Sockets—An abstraction used in networking
Spring Boot: —A Java web application framework
Spring Boot: Actuator—Checking the endpoint mappings, health or other info about your Spring Boot app
Spring Boot: Application Properties—Defining the
Spring Boot: ControllerAdvice—A place to factor out common ExceptionHandler, ModelAttribute and InitBinder code across multiple controllers
Spring Boot: CSV—Downloading and Uploading CSV files with Spring Boot
Spring Boot: Database Migrations—When you need to make a change to your database schema for an app in progress
Spring Boot: Heroku—Tips for running with Spring Boot applications on Heroku
Spring Boot: Logging—How to write information to the log in Spring Boot
Spring Boot: OAuth—How to implement OAuth for authentication in Spring Boot
Spring Boot: POST and CSRF—If you get 403 forbidden messages when using POST
Spring Boot: Postgres—Using Spring Boot with Postgres
Spring Boot: RestTemplate—When you need to access other APIs from the backend of your Spring Boot Application
Spring Boot: Secrets—Ways of keepings database credentials and OAuth client secrets out of Github
Spring Boot: Security—Authentication, Authorization and other Security issues
Spring Boot: Sessions—How to make the stateless HTTP protocol stateful
Spring Boot: SQL—Working with SQL and Databases in Spring Boot
Spring Boot: VS Code—Suggested VS Code extensions for working with Spring Boot
SQL—SQL-based relational databases (sqlite3, Postgres, MySQL, etc.)
Swing—A GUI Framework
$T and $B—Using environment variables to make navigating a src tree less painful
Teamwork—Practices for setting up a harmonious and productive team
Test Driven Development (TDD)—General information about best practices
Testing—Everything having to do with testing: Unit testing, Integration Testing, Test Coverage
Testing: Integration Testing with Maven—When you want to run the integration tests
Testing: Jacoco Reports—How to interpret the reports (red, yellow, green)
Testing: Jacoco via Maven—Setting up Jacoco test coverage, using Maven
Testing: Spring Boot HTMLUnit—Testing Spring Boot Webapps
Thymeleaf—A Templating Engine for Spring Boot
Toolchain—The set of tools you need for software dev in CS56
Travis-CI—A continuous integration system (automated testing)
UCSB CS Github Linker—A Tool for setting up your Github Account for your course
UML—Unified Modeling Language: A graphical language for software design
Unix (and Linux)—A variety of resources related to Unix and Linux, esp. command line tools
Unix: Misc tools—Various useful command line tools you may not know about
Unix: Search/Replace across multiple files—from the command line, using grep, sed, etc.
User Stories: —As a (who?) I can (what?) so that (why?)
vim—a widely used text editor among Unix users
vim: basic eight—eight things you need to know how to do for your survival
vim: customization—customizing vim for your purposes
vscode—Visual Studio Code, a lightweight free editor from Microsoft with many IDE features
Webapps—Basic concepts of web applications
Webapps: Webapps vs. Websites (Static Web Sites/Pages)—What's the difference between a web app and a web site/page
Windows—Setting up an environment to do CS56 work on your own Windows machine (not ssh'ing into CSIL)
X11—Dealing with X11 DISPLAY issues
YAML—An alternative to XML and JSON for representing structured data in a machine and human readable format