Computer Science Instructional Lab machines

What is CSIL?

The term CSIL (pronounced “see sill”) is used by members of the Computer Science community at UCSB to refer to two different things:

  1. A physical computer lab on the first floor of Harold Frank Hall.
  2. A network of computers that includes the machines in the CSIL lab, plus other systems that share the same home directories and software. These machines are available for remote access via ssh clients (more information below).

Here’s a bit more information on each of these

The CSIL network

Remote Access via ssh:

The machines of the CSIL network can be accessed remotely using an SSH connection. The following articles have more information about connecting via ssh from various operating systems:

Use csil-01 through csil-48, not csil.cs.ucsb.edu

The Physical CSIL Lab

Support Information

Reporting system issues

Students/TAs/Instructors are encouraged, if/when they find significant differences between/among systems, or other unexpected behavior, to report these problems.

Students should typically report system problems to their instructional staff first, rather than contacting ECI staff directly. When it is being used, Piazza is a good forum for this. If Piazza is not being used, then email your TA/Instructor.

Your TA/Instructor can then check the situation, and if necessary, escalate to the ECI staff via the email address help@engineering.ucsb.edu

When reporting a problem, document as carefully as possible:

In your transcript, include the commands:


-bash-4.3$ hostname
-bash-4.3$ date
Fri Sep 23 07:31:12 PDT 2016
-bash-4.3$ whoami
-bash-4.3$ pwd

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