CS56 F19
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Umail address: @umail.ucsb.edu section
5pm, 6pm, 7pm
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(leaving this blank signifies "I worked alone"

h02: HFJ 3,4; JN7 Ch2 pp 19-32; Primitives, References, Instance Variables, Methods

ready? assigned due points
true Mon 09/30 05:00PM Thu 10/03 05:00PM

Printable PDF  You may collaborate on this homework with AT MOST one person, an optional "homework buddy".

in place of that, we drop the three lowest scores (if you have zeros, those are the three lowest scores.)


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  • No folded down corners.

Reading Assignment:

  1. (10 pts) Please fill in the information at the top of this homework sheet, including your name and umail address. Put the time your discussion section starts (5pm, 6pm, 7pm) in the space indicated (the one you are registered for—even if you usually attend a different one.) If the other two items apply, please fill them in as well. Please do this every single time you submit homework for this class.
  2. Based on your reading in HFJ Chapter 3:
    1. (5 pts) In Java, a variable can store a primitive or a reference. Briefly: What’s the difference?

    2. (5 pts) If I write 3.4, is that of type double, or float?

    3. (5 pts) Declare a as a double and assign it the value 5.6 (as a double)

    4. (5 pts) Declare b as a float and assign it the value 7.8 (as a float)

  3. (5 pts) In C++, the name of a plain old array of Student objects is not an object, but is rather a pointer to a Student (i.e. it is of type Student*. What about in Java—is an array an object, yes or no?

  4. Variables that represent a primitive type (e.g. boolean x; or int y;) and variables containing object references (String w; or Student z;) have this in common—they are both composed of bits in memory.

    But, as explained in HFJ Chapter 3, they differ in what the bits “actually” represent. You won’t get this one by just guessing—you really have to read the book.

    1. (5 pts) What do the bits that represent int y; represent?

      Assume that y is assigned the value 13

    2. (5 pts) What do the bits that represent String w; represent?

      Assume that w is assigned the value "foo".

  5. Based on your reading in HFJ Chapter 3, p. 59-62 and HFJ Chapter 4 p. 84:

    1. (10 pts) Suppose I have a class called Course.
      How do I declare and allocate space for a plain old Java array called courses that can hold 5 references to Course objects?

    2. (10 pts)

      Java for loops look pretty much just like C++ for loops (see HFJ page 10 if you really need to check.) Given that, assuming there is a default constructor Course() that you can call to create a new Course object, write a for loop that initializes all of the elements of the array courses (from the previous problem) to be instances of the Course> class.

  6. Consider these questions about memory—answers are in HFJ Chapter 3
    1. (5 pts) Assuming the same JVM, can the amount of memory taken up by an object reference differ for different kinds of objects (say String vs. ArrayList<String>?)

    2. (5 pts) Assuming the same JVM, can the amount of memory taken up by the object itself differ for different kinds of objects
    3. (5 pts) Can the amount of memory taking up for an object reference for a object particular type (say String) differ from one JVM to another?

  7. HFJ Chapter 4 discusses the difference between the == operator and the .equals method.

    1. (10 pts) Under what circumstances should you use the == operator to compare two variables?

    2. (10 pts) Under what circumstances should you use the .equals method to compare two variables?